GCC blog

Georgia Conflict Center's online blog, where we share reflections, interviews, and articles related to restorative justice and restorative practices.

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The Gift of GCC Training and Whole-School Change

Clarissa Gonzalez shares the impact that GCC whole-school restorative practices implementation training has had on her Nevada school.

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What GCC Means to Me

A parent shares how restorative practices enhanced his relationship with his child and students.

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The Unexpected Gift of GCC: The First in our Story Series

The best gifts are experiences. Especially those that fundamentally change you, help you evolve.

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Black CPS teens benefit most from shift from suspensions toward restorative practices

A new study finds moving to restorative practices to respond to student misconduct has led to a significant reduction in suspensions and arrests.

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shared articles

"Over Ruled" Contemplates the Upward Spiral of Restorative Justice

Taken at face value, the 12′ structure installed on playa will spell out a cheeky provocation, “NO DANCING,” clearly legible from afar. But as the viewer approaches, each of the large block letters will reveal a story, a testimonial from a real person about a personal experience with unjust rules. Smith sees the piece as a call to awareness of social injustice and the power of restorative justice.

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Bridger Middle School Improves Student Behaviors With Restorative Practices

Over the last school year, Bridger Middle School leaders decided to take a different approach to deal with the fighting and students acting out.

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