What GCC Means to Us at The Cottage

December 2, 2024

As an Executive Director of a nonprofit agency, the Georgia Conflict Center has been an invaluable resource for myself both professionally and personally. I previously described myself as someone who prefers to avoid conflict in any capacity but that rarely if ever is possible. The first thing I learned from Danny and Jo at GCC is that conflict is inevitable and the sooner we recognize that, the sooner we can learn ways to effectively navigate it.

In leading my team at The Cottage, Sexual Assault Center and Children’s Advocacy Center, GCC has helped to equip myself and our staff with the tools we needed to navigate any situation we encountered whether internally or externally. Danny and Jo have facilitated multiple trainings over the years for our staff as well as assisting with updating our agencies policies and procedures. They are always thoughtful and thorough in preparing their training curriculum and show up with such great care/support in their facilitation.

I have served as an Executive Director for 2.5 years now and have had many lessons throughout that time. Anytime I ran into a new challenge, I was able to turn to GCC for guidance, feedback, and advice. I am extremely grateful to Danny, Jo, and Mikhayla for all the ways they have supported me in my leadership development and growth. Our community is so lucky to have such an amazing team that is dedicated and genuine in their mission to build peace with justice in all capacities.

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