GCC blog

Georgia Conflict Center's online blog, where we share reflections, interviews, and articles related to restorative justice and restorative practices.

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RJ and Gender-based Violence

Restorative Approaches for Gender-based Violence

This blog explores restorative approaches to gender-based violence and the relationship between the restorative justice and transformative justice movements.

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Danny's Journey with Restorative Justice

Danny Malec's Recent Interview on "This Restorative Justice Life" with David Ryan Castro-Harris

This Restorative Justice Life is a podcast series that highlights conversations and storytelling with Restorative Justice Practitioners, Circle Keepers, and others about how they bring Restorative Justice philosophy, practices, and values into their personal and professional lives. Hosted by Amplify RJ founder David Ryan Barcega Castro-Harris. Produced by Elyse Martin-Smith.

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School-based Restorative Practices

"I am happy to be with you today."

Feedback from our trainings helps us strengthen them and gives us valuable insights into the needs of the communities we serve.

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Remembering How to Be Friends: After COVID, One School Uses Talking Circles to Help Kids Reconnect

That predictable, structured place to safely share is critical, especially for students who want to take on society’s bigger challenges, Swearingen said. “It puts us in a spot where we can be vulnerable with each other, and because we can be vulnerable together we can be productive.”

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shared articles

NJEA Officers, Community Tour Restorative Justice Montclair

“As a teacher in Wayne and a resident and mayor here in Montclair, I could not be prouder of the leadership that the Montclair Education Association, the Montclair Board of Education, and our students, teachers, educational support professionals, and administrators have taken in showing what restorative justice looks like in action,” [President] Spiller said.

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shared articles

New Study: Black, Special Ed Students Punished at Greater Rate Through Pandemic

Despite a dramatic decline in suspensions as students moved to remote learning during the pandemic, Black children and those in special education were disciplined far more often than white students and those in general education, according to a recent New York University study.

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