GCC blog

Georgia Conflict Center's online blog, where we share reflections, interviews, and articles related to restorative justice and restorative practices.

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Finding Our Best Work Selves Through Conflict: Part One

Here, Jodi Barnes talks about the importance of addressing conflict at work, and why employees should be empowered to help build a more resilient and productive work culture.

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Dream Big, Start Small

GCC Executive Director Danny Malec responds to the RP Implementation Pause in Gwinnett County.

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shared articles

Pine Bluff School Introduces 'Restorative Room' to Help Calm Students, De-Escalate Fights

A school in Pine Bluff introduced the 'restorative room' as a way to help encourage kids to process their emotions and get through tough experiences.

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shared articles

Weaver School Embraces ‘Peacemaker Event’ on Campus

In collaboration with the Restorative Justice League of Merced, the “Weaver Peacemaker Event” is an all day event that focuses on educating students to “promote kindness and build a culture of peace on campus.”

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shared articles

An Eighth Grade Class Just Exonerated The Last Witch Of The Salem Witch Trials

Massachusetts teacher Carrie LaPierre led her students through a restorative justice project over 300 years after the infamous Salem Witch Trials.

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