GCC blog

Georgia Conflict Center's online blog, where we share reflections, interviews, and articles related to restorative justice and restorative practices.

recent posts

RJ and Gender-based Violence

Restorative Approaches for Gender-based Violence

This blog explores restorative approaches to gender-based violence and the relationship between the restorative justice and transformative justice movements.

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Danny's Journey with Restorative Justice

Danny Malec's Recent Interview on "This Restorative Justice Life" with David Ryan Castro-Harris

This Restorative Justice Life is a podcast series that highlights conversations and storytelling with Restorative Justice Practitioners, Circle Keepers, and others about how they bring Restorative Justice philosophy, practices, and values into their personal and professional lives. Hosted by Amplify RJ founder David Ryan Barcega Castro-Harris. Produced by Elyse Martin-Smith.

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School-based Restorative Practices

"I am happy to be with you today."

Feedback from our trainings helps us strengthen them and gives us valuable insights into the needs of the communities we serve.

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recommended reading

shared articles

Black CPS teens benefit most from shift from suspensions toward restorative practices

A new study finds moving to restorative practices to respond to student misconduct has led to a significant reduction in suspensions and arrests.

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shared articles

"Over Ruled" Contemplates the Upward Spiral of Restorative Justice

Taken at face value, the 12′ structure installed on playa will spell out a cheeky provocation, “NO DANCING,” clearly legible from afar. But as the viewer approaches, each of the large block letters will reveal a story, a testimonial from a real person about a personal experience with unjust rules. Smith sees the piece as a call to awareness of social injustice and the power of restorative justice.

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shared articles

Bridger Middle School Improves Student Behaviors With Restorative Practices

Over the last school year, Bridger Middle School leaders decided to take a different approach to deal with the fighting and students acting out.

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