GCC blog

Georgia Conflict Center's online blog, where we share reflections, interviews, and articles related to restorative justice and restorative practices.

recent posts

Finding Our Best Work Selves Through Conflict: Part One

Here, Jodi Barnes talks about the importance of addressing conflict at work, and why employees should be empowered to help build a more resilient and productive work culture.

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Dream Big, Start Small

GCC Executive Director Danny Malec responds to the RP Implementation Pause in Gwinnett County.

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shared articles

Restorative Justice Resolves Alleged Assault at Indiana Lake

Restorative justice was successfully used for one of the first times in Indiana to remediate a legal confrontation.

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shared articles

Letting Go of Myths, Embracing Truths

Shawn Ginwright writes in Yes! Magazine about Four Pivots to Reimagining Justice and Reimagining Ourselves.

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shared articles

COVID is making it harder for schools to practice restorative practices

This article, originally published in Fortune.com, explores a range of added challenges related to restorative practices implementation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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