GCC blog

Georgia Conflict Center's online blog, where we share reflections, interviews, and articles related to restorative justice and restorative practices.

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The Stories We Create

When we’re working as a team, we can start in one direction, but we may end up in a completely different direction by the end of the year.

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Restorative Practices for the Seven Generations to Come

“History is asking us to become healers. We are so good at causing harm, at every level. We are experts at that. So I want to thank you for answering history’s call so that we will have a future for the seven generations to come.” - Dr. Fania Davis

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LTE: Restorative Justice in Schools

"We need programs and interventions that teach and model skills that will change behavior. Restorative practices are what can transform and guide the prosocial behaviors we want for our children and our communities."

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NYC's Push for Restorative Justice Was Put to the Test This School Year

Schools like Harvest Collegiate High School have embraced restorative justice and devoted resources to those programs.

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At This Oakland High School, Restorative Justice Goes Far Beyond Discipline

Fremont High students are even helping young students engage in restorative justice practices.

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