GCC blog

Georgia Conflict Center's online blog, where we share reflections, interviews, and articles related to restorative justice and restorative practices.

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The Stories We Create

When we’re working as a team, we can start in one direction, but we may end up in a completely different direction by the end of the year.

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Restorative Practices for the Seven Generations to Come

“History is asking us to become healers. We are so good at causing harm, at every level. We are experts at that. So I want to thank you for answering history’s call so that we will have a future for the seven generations to come.” - Dr. Fania Davis

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Restorative Justice Resolves Alleged Assault at Indiana Lake

Restorative justice was successfully used for one of the first times in Indiana to remediate a legal confrontation.

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Letting Go of Myths, Embracing Truths

Shawn Ginwright writes in Yes! Magazine about Four Pivots to Reimagining Justice and Reimagining Ourselves.

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shared articles

COVID is making it harder for schools to practice restorative practices

This article, originally published in Fortune.com, explores a range of added challenges related to restorative practices implementation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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